I never wanted to be the person walking around without health care, but here I am. Can I help it that I’m an artist, or that I’m not built for the type of structured work environment which typically provides its employees with health care? I can’t.

Finally, I have arrived. I can actually afford health insurance.

Now comes the difficult part, actually deciding which plan fist my needs. I’m a single woman, with no children, in reasonably good health and I can’t afford to spend a ton of money on a Arizona medicare advantage health insurance plan. This money is coming out of my own pocket, and since I’m not rich yet, I have to be careful which plan to choose.

I decided to figure out how much money I could allocate every month toward paying for health care coverage. For me that number turned about to be a about $200. In the beginning I thought that was a pretty good number, soon learned otherwise. The fact is, buying health insurance for a single woman, without any children, even if she is in reasonably good health, is not an inexpensive thing to do. Still, the fact remains, $200 is my monthly budget for health insurance, which means I have to find a way to make it work.

I’ve decided the most important thing to me is to have coverage in case something unexpected happens. I don’t mind paying for my own check-ups every six months; I just want to be covered if I’m ever in an accident and need to go to the emergency room.

I’m doing a lot of searching online for different companies. I love the many options available via the internet. I’m sure I’ll find the perfect plan soon enough as long as I do my research and be patient until I find the plan that works for me.

Often times when I’m looking for a good doctor, I also think about what my health plan has to offer. Having a good health plan is just as important as having a good physician who can listen as well as explain. When I look for a good plan it must be one that accommodates me, not just the system.

When I search for health insurance I look at the cost of the plan. If the plan costs more than the services that it intends to provide, then my research gets a little bit deeper. I start looking for one that is not trying to gouge my pocketbook. Most insurance plans these days are trying to line their pockets and leave my empty. If it’s too expensive, then I won’t bother about it. The health insurance I choose must be affordable as a generalized plan. It should meet my budget and lifestyle.

If I’m a construction worker then the health insurance I choose must accommodate my job and consider what problems I may have doing it. I am subject to falls, scraps, scratches, punchers and other such injuries. Therefore, my insurance must be able to provide me with the best of care for my overall body injuries on a regular basis. From referrals to ophthalmologists to podiatrists, having a good health plan is key to my keeping a job and staying gainfully employed.

Arizona medicare advantage plans for me should be easy to access, affordable and the physician’s office must be close by and not in the next county. So, the bottom line is when I search for health insurance and a good physician, I make sure that they both fit my complete needs, long term. Based on the criteria of how I search for health insurance, I get the best deal in town!

Finding health insurance can be stressful and confusing, as there are so many terms that the average person does not understand. Anytime I look to buy health insurance, I have to look up so many terms, and double check to understand the meaning. There are different kinds of coverage for different types of people and needs. So everyone will look for something different, although, it is a good idea to look out for a few key things.

For me, like most people, cost is obviously a big factor, being young and pretty healthy, I can handle higher costs if something were to happen. But I like to keep the premiums low, while still having decent coverage. So for me, I do not mind a big co-pay, as I see the doctor maybe one time a year if that. Other people who see the doctor often, may want to find one with a lower co-pay if they frequently see the doctor. So for me, a high co-pay is not a big deal, I could easily pay out of pocket for a quick doctors visit if needed.

When shopping for Florida medicare insurance, paying attention to the deductible is also a good idea. A deductible is just the amount of money before I have to pay in, before the insurance starts paying for things. Usually, there are still things that are included with the health insurance such as routine visits to the doctor or even an ER visit. For me, I personally choose plans with high deductibles, I am out of the age where accidents occur often, but young enough that I do not go to the doctor often. This leaves me with lower premiums, but at a disadvantage if something catastrophic came up.

Like anything else, there are so many variances in health care. But co-pay and deductible are the most important to look out for, no matter who is being insured.